Monday, August 2, 2010

Vampires Suck!

A spoof of vampire-themed movies, where teenager Becca finds herself torn between two boys. As she and her friends wrestle with a number of different dramas, everything comes to a head at their prom. Haha! Peoples who do not like The Twilight Saga series movie will definitely love this movie! The trailer is so hilarious!

Before our presentation in college starts, Ms Rachel came out with an idea to ask volunteer to do presentation in front of everyone so to see what mistake we'll make so she can correct us before we do our real presentation. As she said we can choose any topic as we like as long as the topic is different with our real presentation topic, one of my friend, Xinli, she chose the topic comparing vampires and werewolves. Her stand was vampires are not better lover than werewolves. 
Why vampires suck?
Indeed, vampires suck!
First of all, they have cold hard body. Imagine you are now in winter season country, you are so freaking cold and your boy friend is a vampire which body is so cold. You would just hope that he can stay as far as he can as long as he's away from you. Where can you get your warmth from? A cup of chocolate?!
Second, they will always be young while you get old and ugly! Without changing yourself into a vampire by your vampire boy friend, all humans will have to go through old age and even death.
Imagine you have a immortal boy friend or even husband while you are going through ageing day by day, a young handsome guy and a woman with grey hair, dark age spots and wrinkles on her face. Aww~ How awful..

Lastly, vampires only drink blood. How pity to just get to drink blood only throughout your whole vampire life. Vampires cannot eat grill lamb chop, turkey ham carbonara spaghetti, ice cream etc etc. Ohgawd, imagine your life without any foods, I seriously cannot survive.

Vampire's life really sucks!

I'm so lucky that im not a vampire! teehee!

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